Working Group Chair

Korhan Kurdoğlu

Korhan Kurdoğlu

Ata Holding President

Shanghai Network Chair

Onur Türkmen

Onur Türkmen

Beko Asia Pacific Marketing and Product Management Regional Director

China Working Group

TÜSİAD China Working Group was established in 2015 to contribute to the strengthening of our bilateral economic relations with China, the world's second largest economy, to create dialogue platforms between the two countries' business communities, and to increase the awareness of Türkiye and the Turkish business community in China.

The Working Group carries out activities to contribute to attracting investments from China in high value-added areas and to increase our exports to China, to identify opportunities and challenges in sectors with potential between Turkey and China, to develop policy recommendations, to contribute to the harmonization of China's Belt and Road Initiative and Türkiye’s Middle Corridor Initiative.