Intellectual Property Working Group

The aim of the TÜSİAD Intellectual Property Working Group is to draw attention to the importance of intellectual and industrial property rights, as well as their protection, for Turkish industrialists and the business world. The group seeks to address the lack of knowledge on this subject, inform companies about integrating these rights into company strategies, managing them, and actively using them in commercial life. It also aims to contribute to ongoing efforts to eliminate deficiencies in relevant legislation and practices in Türkiye, aligning the legislation with EU regulations and international standards. The group strives to bring forward proposals that will encourage the best possible protection and commercialization of intellectual and industrial property rights in companies, considering the significance of R&D activities in global competitiveness, high-value-added production, and economic development.

The working group has two sub-working groups:

  • Trade Secrets Sub-Working Group: Its purpose is to work on policy proposals regarding trade secrets and inform the public on this matter.
  • R&D Centers Sub-Working Group: This sub-working group aims to analyze the current status of R&D centers and determine their needs. It involves working on national incentive and support programs, university-industry collaborations, and sharing best practices and experiences among R&D centers through a communication network. The group also aims to identify trends in the use of resources allocated to R&D activities and conduct studies that can serve as references.