The Seminar was opened with the gala dinner organized under the auspices of France Ambassador to Türkiye H.E. Hervé Magro at Palais de France, with the participation of TÜSİAD President Mr. Orhan Turan and Türkiye’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs & Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Mr. Faruk Kaymakcı as well as Institut du Bosphore President Bahadır Kaleağası. The next day at SALT Galata Museum, the all-day seminar was opened by Institut du Bosphore Scientific Committee Co-Presidents, Ümit N. Boyner and Augustin de Romanetas well as Mr. Akif Çağatay Kılıç et M. Jean-Louis Bourlanges, respectively President of the Foreign Affairs Commission of Türkiye’s and France’s Parliaments. Round table discussions were held following Permanent Representative of France to NATO Ambassador Muriel Domenach’s assessments.
The seminar was held with two main round tables namely “A Geostrategical Europe?” and “France and Türkiye: At a time of changes?”, and the lunch-debate “What to understand from Green Transition in light of the energy crisis?”. The discussions recalled the need to maintain a strengthened dialogue between France, the European Union and Türkiye, intrinsically linked by their common geography and history.
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